Here’s the latest and greatest from Lee’s mind.
There are some awesome books out there. In my life, I’m usually too busy to pick up a book and read the whole thing through in one sitting. Many times, especially with reference books like “Smashing WordPress“, I will want to skim through the book but don’t want to miss important parts. Here’s where the genius starts.
If Kindle needs to make available an add-on that would allow you to use a “condenser highlighter”. Thus you could read the book and just highlight the most important parts. Then when the application asks you to open a book, you could open the “Condensed Version.” Thus skipping all the pages that you don’t need to read and just giving you the main points.
I’m not finished!!!! =) What would be really great is if there were a whole bunch of people that have read the same book and “condense highlighted” their own passages. Thus, you could have a “Popular Condensed Version”. In essence, Kindle already does this with their “Popular Hightlights” section. The problem is that when you click on a popluar highlighted section, you are sent to the entire book again. This would allow you to, basically, buy a book, read it in one sitting by reading the “Condensed Version” and then later on you could read the whole thing.
Huh? Whatcha think? Pretty cool, huh? Anyway, this may be my attempt to be more productive or maybe perhaps to be more lazy. Either way, I see it as a win-win-win situation. =) Who’s with me?!?!
Josh Darr says
Wow, that would be awesome!! It would be so helpful for me in particular, for sure! My brain is always firing off ideas and starving to learn more about certain things… or for that matter, EVERYthing! Haven’t purchased a Kindle yet, so I’m unsure whether or not this feature has been added. But any tablet/ebook store that provide this feature would have me buying one.