Have you ever heard the song, “Everybody’s Working for the Weekend”? I, sadly, used to believe this. In fact, I will go so far as to believe that everything I did was for entertainment purposes. My mindset told me that entertainment was fun, thus that was the goal I was to achieve; to be happy, play video games, watch movies, etc. Facebook is plastered with pictures that tell you to get out of relationships that don’t make you happy. Wives are referred to as “the old ball and chain.” Kids will always go through the “terrible twos.” Do you realize that when you make happiness your goal, everything else becomes a drudge.
Happy at Work
I can remember the distinct conversation with a co-worker of mine several years ago. The face she displayed when I told her that Monday was my favorite day of the week was priceless. It won’t be hard to find songs or even movies about Friday being people’s favorite day, but I just did a search for “Monday is my favorite day” on Google and it gave me this link to a Facebook Page. You may notice that there are only 4 Likes.
It’s time to change our thinking. Work is and can be a joy!!! Heck, God himself gave Adam work to do before the fall. Why have we believed the lie that work has to be so boring? I propose to you that work is what you make it. Mary Poppins was right: “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and … snap … the job’s a game.” The way I see it you can have two choices. 1) You can make your current job fun … or 2) You can quit and be your own boss. Then you don’t have anyone else to blame.
Here are some practical ideas
- Find someone else that is positive at work and be their best friend. I’ve always loved the saying, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”
- If you are good at what you do, be the BEST.
- Find someone to mentor. You will be surprised how much fun it is to help someone else grow.
- (You can add more in the comments)
Happy at Home
Our lives are constantly running; running to the store, running to soccer practice, running late. Your home should be a haven. For me personally, all I have to do is cook for my family and I have fun. It’s how I share a talent with them, especially when I get to teach my daughters what I know. Whether making toffee, spaghetti sauce from anything I can find, or flipping omelets, I love pouring into my family. I used to come home and think that sitting on the couch in front of the TV would make me happy. Guess what? It did, until I turned it off. I can’t tell you how many hours I wasted playing the Wii or Xbox or watching a movie and not reading a book to my kids or coloring a picture. C’est la vie.
Because we are relational creatures, we crave attention. My son loves to give me his book, “Let’s Dance, Little Pookie” and lay on my stomach on the couch and listen to me read. My wife gets excited when she sees me doing the dishes. The girls are always asking for a dance party with the disco light. These make me happy. Not because I’m pursuing happiness but because it is a by-product of serving others. Here’s a couple tips
- Find out what makes your family happy
- Do it
Happy at Play
“Say what? How can you not be happy at play?” Trust me there are people who make everything negative. Sports can be fun and relaxing if you don’t take them so seriously. The most important thing to remember is that play is designed to make you happy because you should be doing something you love. I love to play golf, but I’m horrible at it. But imagine going on a walk on a beautiful day. Stopping to take in the scenery. Maybe having a little scavenger hunt ( I always get so excited when I find my missing ball ). Feeling the grass beneath your feet. Taking the flag out of the hole and pretending it’s a sword or a lance and hitting your friend with it. Then running away from the security guard … Anyway, you get the point. If you don’t enjoy what you’re playing … then stop playing. Or, when it comes to playing with my kids, I enjoy it, because they enjoy it.
Where Does God Fit In?
“I saw that there is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work, because that is his lot.” – Ecclesiastes 3:22
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” – Ecclesiastes 9:10
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” – Colossians 3:23
Basically it all boils down to who are you doing this life for? If you are living life just for yourself, you are going to be very disappointed and lonely, because no one else is living their life for you. However, by understanding the relationship that God wants to have with you, replicating the life His son lived for others, and welcoming the Spirit to guide you, this life can be AWESOME!!!
What do I do now?
- Attitude is everything. Change the attitude of working for happiness into working with happiness
- Encourage others to join you.
- Pursue excellence in all that you do and embrace the great moments
Great article Lee. Pointed and inspiring. I always liked the story of the old lady in the nursing home to hammer home the attitude bit. Don’t know if you remember that from the Mentor training with Steve Gonzales back in the day or not.
The story I remember most from Gonzales was the one about sharpening your axe. Although, I have heard it recently. Was it the one about the blind lady in the nursing home that loved her room before she even saw it? I liked that one too.
Right on the money! And I still use the axe sharpening story today. I have a few folks who would work 80 hours a week if I let them. Right up until they get burned out and I have to fire em.