So, as we are leaving the compound in Malika, our good friend Wendell is driving and Keri, Papis, and Djibi are in the back of the truck. We are having a good conversation and at this point we are almost to the airport. I say something about how tired I am and Djibi pipes up in the back of the truck and says, “Lee, you take … um … “Delga.”
I pause for a second and think it’s a Wolof (Senegal language) phrase for “nap”. So, I say, “Delga?”
“No, Delda”, he replies
Now I get it … “Delda … Is that the word for nap?”
“Ugh, Delda, at the airport … you take Delda airplane?”
“OHHH … DELTA. Yes, we are taking Delta.”
I spent the next few minutes before arriving trying to get him to say the “t” sound. =)
Now Keri and I say “Delda” whenever we don’t know a word in Wolof.
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