Let me start off with an anecdote. Patrick, a friend of mine, used to cook for Keely and I. One time he made lasagna but didn’t have a recipe. I asked him how much garlic he was supposed to put in. He asked if I liked garlic and after telling him, “yes”, he said, “then I’ll put a lot in.” This has been my mantra for cooking for a while. If you like something, then put more in. OK, here goes.
2 cans of coconut milk (shake before opening)
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
chopped or minced garlic
McCormick Curry Powder (There is a recipe on the label for curry paste(Olive Oil, garlic powder, paprika, etc.)
Finely sliced green, red, orange, yellow peppers (Use which ever ones you like)
1 bundle of finely chopped cilantro (or coriander leaves, if you want to sound snobby. Don’t chop the cilantro more than once or you will bruise it and lose some flavor)
In a large bowl, mix up some curry paste. Dice the chicken to bite size pieces and mix with the paste. Marinate for several hours or overnight. Don’t marinate for 3 months. The chicken will start moving by itself.
In a large skillet dump the marinated chicken and pan fry. While the chicken is cooking, in a medium pot heat the coconut milk, cilantro, and peppers on high till it boils. Simmer till the chicken is thoroughly cooked. After the chicken is ready, drain the chicken and place back in the large frying pan. Add the milk to the chicken and mix and let simmer for at least 15 minutes to mix the flavors. Add salt to taste or just put salt on the table. (I always recommend fresh cracked sea salt)
Serve over rice and enjoy.
PS – Julie, my pickiest eater had three helpings of this the other night. =)