Me:”What would make you ask such a question?
Julie:”I want to make you happy.”
Me:”Julie, sweetheart, there is nothing that will make me love you any more or any less.”
Julie:”But, what do you want me to do?”
Me:”Just live with me.”
Julie:”OK … I guess.”
Julie:”Daddy … Oh, Daddy!!! I made us some French Toast.”
Me:”Wow, thank you so much, I was thinking I wanted French Toast this morning.”
Julie:”I thought you might. Is it good?”
Me:”SO Good!”
Julie:”Not too much cinnamon?”
Me:”Nope, just the right amount. That mixed with the butter and syrup you put on the table and the strawberries you cut up, make it the best breakfast in the world.”
Julie:”I’m glad you like it. Do you love me more, now?”
Me:”… Sweetheart, I have, do now, and will always love you.”
Julie:”oh …”
Me:”Julie will you please clean the playroom? It looks like a tornado ran through it.”
Julie:”In a little bit, I’m watching a movie.”
Me:”Julie, please pause the movie, clean the playroom and then when you’re done, you can finish your movie.”
Julie:”Can’t I clean it after the movie?”
Me:”No, sweetheart. Please go clean the playroom, now.”
Julie:”No, dad. I want to watch my movie.”
Me:”Julie, pause the movie, now.”
Me:”Please go to the bathroom.”
Me:”Because we are working on discipline and obedience.”
Julie:”I’ll go clean it right now!!!”
Me:”Julie, please go to the bathroom.”
Julie:”Don’t you love me anymore?”
Me:”… Sweetheart, there is nothing you can do that will make me love you any more or any less.”
Julie:”But I didn’t do what you asked and now I’m being disciplined.”
Me:”Yes and yes. Doing what I ask will come naturally when you trust me. It is only when you don’t trust me that what I ask becomes a command and if my requests continually become commands then you still aren’t trusting me.”
Julie:”Yes, dad.”
Julie:”Dad. I cleaned the playroom and my room and I even put away all the dishes without being asked.”
Me:”Julie, you have just rocked the Casj Bah. Thank you so much. I didn’t ask you to do those other things.”
Julie:”I know. But I wanted you to be happy with me.”
Me:”Thank you very much.”
Julie:”Do you love me more now?”
Me:”Julie, come here … Let me pick you up … Now look in my eyes … There is … NOTHING … you can do that will make me love you any more or any less.”
Julie:”You keep saying that.”
Me:”I will continue to tell you until you don’t want me to anymore but it will still be true.”
Julie:”Why won’t you love me more than you do now?”
Me:”Because I am your dad. You are the object of my affection. Because I am patient. Because I am kind. Because I want you to live with me and know me and I would give my life to keep it that way.”
Julie:”What did I do to get that?”
Me:”Absolutely nothing. There is nothing you can … DO … that will make me love you any more or any less.”
Julie:”… I don’t get it.”
Me:”You don’t have to.”
Julie:”Dad, I love you, but things might change.”
Me:”Not me.”
Julie:”Yeah, but when I get older I might change.”
Me:”I won’t.”
Julie:”But what happens when I change and I forget you love me.”
Me:”All you have to do is ask. Anytime. Anywhere and I will tell you again.”
Julie:”Daddy … do you love me?”
Me:”Yup!!! With all my heart.”
Julie:”Daddy … will you read me a story.”
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