I have officially taken over the Math part of Julie’s homeschooling this week. It has been rewarding to say the least. We’ve had hardships but nothing rewarding comes easy.
Today we were discussing the goal of me teaching her math. She constantly wants to answer the problems correctly, because if she does, then she thinks she’s finished. WRONG!!! I kept having to tell her that I don’t care if she can answer the problem in her workbook correctly. I want her to learn the concept. If she masters the concept, then the answer to the problem is easy.
How easy it is to forget that in our Christian walk and even in daily life. Our lives are not dependent on God to tell us how to solve every little problem. Israel’s religious leaders decided to give the people enough rules so that when a situation arose, they could look up the solution and fix it that way.
Christ came to guide us towards the spirit of the law. He said it came down to two things, “Love God, Love others.” We forget sometimes that we are not expected to fulfill this perfectly, Jesus did that for us. It does however give us direction to the concept that God wanted us to live by, “Love others as I have loved you.” – John 13:34
That’s the concept to live by. We look to Jesus as the one who fulfilled the law and did it perfectly; no blemish or spot. He sent his spirit to walk with us daily and by having a relationship with the Father, we can resolve any problem this life throws our way!
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