It all starts with absolutes! If you have resolved to believing that everything is relativistic and that there are no absolutes, then whatever actions you take in life, ultimately, mean that you have never messed up. There’s no scoreboard and you get to decide what is right and wrong.
However, when you come to the realization that there are absolutes in this world, you start to be able to judge yourself in light of those absolutes. Men of action and influence rarely become the men they are because they floated on the waters of life. Instead, by understanding where they begin, determining the goals they set before themselves, and resolving to work towards those, they were able to accomplish much.
One of my favorite quotes from this CD is, “Don’t start digging a well when you’re thirsty.” The impact that has had on my life in a short amount of time is immense. The whole premise is helping you realize that if you wait to start working towards something until you need it, then you will always be behind the curve. However, by seeing the future, and the needs that it will hold, you can start building the tools you need and the resources it will take to endure those situations now. Much like building a house. Don’t wait for winter time to build a house. Start building in the spring and prepare for the winter ahead.
Many people have wanted to change the world, only the few select have realized that in order to do this, you must first change yourself.
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